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Our Free

Training Manual

  1. 1.Welcome To This Manual

  2. 2.Agreement and Progression of Steps

  3. 3.How To Read with the PR Program - General Tips

  4. 4.Enlarging Text for Easier Reading

  5. 5.Using Dropbox

  6. 6.iOS Setup

  7. 7.Operating the Controls on iOS

  8. 8.iOS Tips

  9. 9.Setup on Mac (Mountain Lion)

  10. 10.Operating the Controls on Mac (Mountain Lion)

  11. 11.Mac Tips

  12. 12.PC Setup

  13. 13.PC Controls

  14. 14. PC Tips

  15. 15. Rules for Viewing (Adjusting Brightness)

  16. 16.Problems with Different Formats, and The Solutions

  17. 17.Downloading and Transferring Articles and Files

  18. 18.Text Preparation

  19. 19.Advanced Reading with PR

  20. 20.Reading on Mac Computers with Leopard OS

  21. 21.Audio Editing Your Papers

  22. 22.Teaching Elementary Students

  23. 23.Improving Your Speech

  24. 24.Improving Your Writing

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Our Training Manual leads you through our free Reading Improvement Course and shows you how to set up your iOS Device, Mac laptop or desktop, or PC to read with the Proportional Reading approach and voice assistance. This Training Manual is designed for self-instruction.

Read the Brief Introduction after the Table of Contents.

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Table of Contents

First Part of Welcome

Brief Introduction

What you will experience in our approach to reading is a new way to read. You read each sentence just ahead of the spoken sound, pausing at the commas and periods for the sound to catch up. Thus, the sound acts to immediately correct any reading errors, and completely removes any reading anxiety. You adjust the speed at which the voice speaks, from normal speaking rate to over 500 words per minute. At the end of each sentence, the sound pauses automatically for as long as you wish, for you to think about what you have just read, and for as long as you want. Then when you are ready, you press a single key to proceed. You can repeat any sentence as many times as you want before proceeding. You are in complete control. You proceed with full comprehension and focus at the speed your mind processes thought. With a little practice, you will quickly increase your speed up to 500 words per minute and above. You will start to love reading. You learn transferrable skills for reading any book, as you do your assigned reading.

A special use of this approach helps elementary students and ESL students with decoding, automaticity and fluency. They try to read any section of text out loud, before they interactively press the screen, or a keystroke, to hear it read out loud. They can repeat the sound of this section as many times as they want. The student never leaves a section of text without reading it correctly and smoothly. Help is always available. Reading anxiety disappears. Instead of guessing and rushing ahead, students immediately start to focus on reading correctly.

This Training Manual teaches both approaches. The elementary school approach is also used for improving English speech. See the chapters on “Elementary School Reading” and “Improving Speech” in this Training Manual.

We teach you how to master a new type of reading. We do not sell software. We train you in a new way to use the software that you already have on your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac laptop, or Mac desktop computer,  or on your PC (including software that you can download for free). The first part of the training teaches setup and operation of the controls for this new type of reading. The second part of the training teaches you how to improve your reading using these controls and this new approach. You will learn how to use this approach to read almost any article on the Internet or any textbook or novel, at the speed you think, up to and above 500 words per minute. Besides completing assigned reading, you will overcome the 18 Bad Reading Habits and develop transferrable skills for reading regular books. You will begin to love reading. Many people choose to start off dong the free reading course.

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Adjustable-speed, computer-voice can be used to read e-text on iOS devices, and on the Mac computer (laptop or desktop), or on a PC. It can be used in a wide variety of document types. However, only certain document types work well. Besides iBooks, most other e-book readers do not support voice and text reading at all, or do so very poorly. Reading textbook chapters and internet articles with Proportional Reading is best done with the text as a separate HTML document, read offline with your browser and VoiceOver or other text reader. This approach enables you to read well anywhere you are, with or without the Internet or WiFi. Use earphones if necessary.

It is very important to understand that there are two very different types of reading on the Internet and WiFi. The first is reading short news articles and magazine articles that are rarely more than one or two pages long. In these pieces paragraphs are rarely more than one to two sentences in total length. The second type of reading is serious writing of textbook chapters, or novels, or scholarly articles. These works have long paragraphs and often 40 pages of length.

Both types of reading can easily be done with the PR approach. However, as you will see, the optimal setup is slightly different for long articles with big paragraphs.

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Textbook chapters and complicated reading are best read sentence by sentence, with instant optional repeat, and large font. This arrangement is much easier and faster to read and understand. Graphics and media presentations are best done in a book located just below the computer screen, or looked at separately in a second e-text article loaded up with media. Reading serious writing with PR, using all the different functions and insights, is a truly transformative experience that is essentially a whole new way to read and learn, and with great enjoyment.

Short news articles and short general interest articles on the Internet can be read online and without reformatting, using the “Reader” function or “Read It Later” (now “Pocket”) and VoiceOver. This manual will teach you how to read both short, general interest articles and long, serious chapters and articles.

Most Mac and iOS operations with voice, after setup, are ideally controlled by one finger on the forward (or backward) arrow on an iOS or Mac keyboard. This is much faster, easier, and far less distracting than using your fingers on the screen of an iOS device. In addition, and very importantly, the arrow function insures that selected text is fully shown on the screen, if at all possible. Just using your fingers causes many split paragraphs, with part of the text off the screen as it is heard.

The best approach on the PC is to Ultra Hal and select text as desired.

For quick and easy reference, setup and actual controls are presented separately on this site. Most of these controls you will rarely use, but you should be familiar with them all. Tips for actual reading are presented in the Tip Sections.

You will be learning a skill which you can use for the rest of your lifetime. Like driving a car, this new skill requires some practice. Invest a few hours to master this technique.

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Student Agreement and Progression of Subjects

The best way to get the most from this manual is to read and agree to the Student Agreement. Read this now. Whether you are a student working with a Coach/Instructor, or whether you are doing this course of instruction independently, the steps to follow are clearly listed out, and in the order to follow, in this Student Agreement section.

Relationship of Our Reading Course and This User Manual

This Manual clearly describes the steps of how to combine our Free Reading Course with actual reading with computer-assisted voice. This integration is presented in the Student Agreement Section of this Manual.

Additional Reading

Here are the four short articles to read in order to get a thorough understanding of the program and what the User Manual will help you do. Read the following four short articles in order: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4.

© Proportional Reading, 2012

Go To Our Free Training Manual on how to set up your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac (laptop or desktop), or PC to  read text with adjustable-speed, computer-voice and text. This manual is ideal for self-instruction.

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