Write papers from notes,
without handwriting
Write papers from notes,
without handwriting
One thing you can do with our program is make a note file of sections of text, and/or your own thoughts, as you read with our software, as you hear it read to you, at any speed. Just select and copy sections of text from the PR window into the clipboard and then paste these sections to the top of the word processing document which you have up on the screen along with the PR window. Leave a blank line between notes. At any time you can also type in your personal thoughts. Then click back on the PR window and restart the presentation. No typing of these copied notes, or re-typing of handwritten notes is required when writing papers. Cut and paste these sections as appropriate.
Please also see our section on Audio Editing what you have written.
Go To Our Free Training Manual on how to set up your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac (laptop or desktop), or PC to read text with adjustable-speed, computer-voice and text. This manual is ideal for self-instruction. Learn More.