Gift Request / Grant Proposal
For Reading Intervention Program
And For Program
To Stop/Prevent/Reduce School Shootings With Mental Health Program Based Entirely On Reading Improvement
Gift Request / Grant Proposal
For Reading Intervention Program
And For Program
To Stop/Prevent/Reduce School Shootings With Mental Health Program Based Entirely On Reading Improvement
Request For $2,000-$5,000+ Contributions
Towards An Innovative Summer And Winter Pilot Program 2018-2019:
For Middle School And High School Reading Intervention Groups, Located Across The Country, And Taught Over The Internet, Using Live Video Conferencing In Conjunction With Local School ELA, SPED, Or Reading Teachers During, Before, Or After School.
This Program Is A Researched Based Candidate For Title I Funding.
This Program Is Also Used For Adult Literacy.
A new way to teach large numbers of students simultaneously with 1-on-1, interactive instruction has just been developed. Learn How. Each student gets independent practice with a progression of voice and text materials matching each person’s specific needs, all at the same time as the other students. This simply has never been done before in class and group settings.
This is a game changer that allows professional instruction at rock bottom prices, providing widespread access to training and self-empowerment for students wishing to enrich their reading and improve their lives. After each class lesson, students continue at school and at home with independent, customized, interactive voice and text practice, using computer voice and/or real human voice.
All teaching is done by Video Conferencing, specially configured to create a classroom environment.
The Teaching Used, Proportional Reading, simultaneously reduces the likelihood and probability of school shootings. See full explanation of how and why here.
The exact goals and steps for this reading intervention program are described below in great detail.
The goal is to teach many students this summer and fall in 14-Lesson programs. The 14-Lesson Course in Reading Improvement and enrichment will be taught by special Video Conferencing long distance from Beverly, Massachusetts, USA.
Mr. Adams will teach students via the Internet in classrooms, or in their own homes, or on the road, with access to any make of smartphone, laptop, or computer (PC, Mac or Android). This will create virtual group sessions. This is ideal because many physical sites are closed for the summer.
All students regardless of type of equipment (Mac or PC) will also be able to practice independently at home with customized instruction in a progression of steps.
Whenever possible, Teaching to Middle School and High School Reading Intervention Students will be done by distance learning to the actual classrooms where the group instruction takes place, with an ELA, SPED, or reading teacher present during school classes, or during before school or after school activities. Ideally there would be 4 computers per classroom set up with 4-5 students each. All these students regardless of type of equipment (Mac or PC) will also be able to practice independently at school and at home with customized instruction in a progression of steps. If classroom accommodation is not possible, or not fully possible, some students can participate from home, or a virtual classroom will be created with all participation directly from home. Ideally, multiple classes will be taught at the same time with the same instruction.
This same format and approach will be used for teaching Adult Literacy Students. Many Adult Literacy programs are being shut down because students are not progressing enough over the school year. This is because there is no home practice in reading. Our Program provides 30 minutes a day (175 hours a year) in home practice (with interactive voice) for each adult student, actually reading with custom tailored settings, and this creates the necessary improvement in performance.
Total Funding Request is $80,000 for all the 14-Lesson classes. This works out to $98 per student ($7 per lesson) in a 14 student class ($1,400 for each class course of 14 lessons and 14-20 students). The first goal is 4 class courses active each month. The bigger picture is to have a number of classes of 14 students each participating at a time. The rollout technology is the easy part and is already in place. As more classes attend each course, the cost per student drops quickly to $10 per student (for 14 lessons, for 10 classes at a time of 14 students each). Students and teachers are trained simultaneously, with both able to cary on after initial training. While being trained, classroom teachers provide student control, daily technology setup, and interpretation to students when helpful.
Name of Program:
Proportional Reading
John F. Adams
Mailing Address:
John F. Adams
Proportional Reading
50 Broadway, Apt. 31
Beverly, MA 01915
Teach all students this summer and fall with group classes run from office in Beverly, MA. over the Internet to their schools or homes, with everybody in a virtual group session connected by Internet.
Students will be able to ask questions and see Mr. Adams (frequently) as he talks with them. Although one person will speak at a time, everybody will hear that person and others in turn. Thus, this platform will act as a group session.
Note: Because students will be at their own homes or classrooms, and their voices muted to the general conference, unless they are the “one” currently chosen to answer “on stage”, everyone will be able to speak each answer out loud, as if they were the only one present. This is just one of many ways in this program that everybody gets 1on1 instruction simultaneously.
Also, at least initially students will watch each other read and learn from each other’s mistakes, each in turn. This is actually very powerful 1on1 instruction, in contrast to just listening to a lecture.
Also, it is planned that a number of the classes can be repeated independently (via a URL sent by E-mail). Students can use this for review, or if they did not attend the actual date of first presentation. This is in addition to home practice material, custom tailored, with interactive voice and text.
Students will discover the joy and empowerment of operating the reading controls themselves and deciding what works best for them, as they prepare for a lifetime of better reading.
This program will have 14 main group lectures with 1-on-1 instruction, and 20 practice sessions of individually customized voice and text, reading great literature and thinking about what is read.
This program includes a 40 hour free phonetics course with real human voice files. This program is actually already on all your devices.
Students will rapidly learn how to learn on their own, using customized voice and text, and repeating classes as needed.
If all the money needed can not be raised, the program will expand as much as possible with the funds raised.
The program will start in July and August, and the last part of June.
Spread of This Pilot Program
1.This program can be spread instantly to Adult Literacy Programs in every city in the Country.
2. It can also be spread to all Middle School and all High School students in each school district in the country, and throughout the school year, as well as during vacations and the summer.
3. This program can work as a model for corporate workplace literacy.
4. This program can work teaching English and helping students learn to read well in remote villages all over the world.
The Major Administrative Goals of This Program
● Everybody gets a Free 40 hour phonetics course to do independently, at home, with interactive, real human voice using any smartphone, or a Mac or PC.
● increase your customized, 1on1, interactive instruction to each student a hundred fold, both in class and out of class.
● Instantly increase student motivation, enjoyment and progress.
● Greatly reduce student training time and cost per student; reach many more students in need.
● Use this one program for Middle School and High School students and in addition some Adult Literacy Groups.
● Use our program to complement your existing instruction.
● Incorporate the dynamic of small group participation and collaboration into your classroom teaching, with its “group” help for teachers.
● Empower your students with the ability to learn on their own, and with the love and success of doing this independently, with just a little instruction; reap benefits from this extra learning time.
● Provide a summer and vacation program for all your students, done with distance learning.
● Enable your students to practice speaking English, as they improve their reading, with many hours of independent, interactive text and real human voice and/or computer voice.
● Provide a sophisticated vocabulary program, based on root words, interactive voice and text, and paragraphs of text for comprehension, with numerous multiple choice tests and doable on any smartphone or computer.
● Provide lifetime empowerment and create lifetime learners who love to read.
● Immediately provide a free, sophisticated, structured phonetic course with real human voice for all your regular students, which they can do anywhere, using any smartphone or any computer.
● Achieve far greater results for each dollar of funding.
● Simultaneously provide trained teachers.
The 10 Ways This Program is Different From Everything Else
1. We teach 1on1 in groups where everyone gets individual instruction throughout the class. This approach makes quality instruction affordable for all, as well as being compatible with existing High School and Adult Literacy classes; an approach which also enables Distance Learning, Program Outreach, and Lifetime Learning Empowerment.
2. Everybody with either a Mac or PC device (Smartphone, laptop or desktop) can do this program. However, students only need an iPod touch and keyboard to do this program at home, or in groups at school, or at adult literacy centers, using their own software and giving all commands themselves. Any book or Internet article can be read this way with customized, individually tailored settings. This is affordable by all.
For large group presentation, a number of PC computer/monitors can tie into the same presentation. This allows groups of members to sit together in a small setting, while everybody sees and hears and reacts to the same material. A wired mic is passed up and down the isles for each person in turn to speak, as the others interact silently, and possibly help the reader if appropriate.
3. The controls and operations learned in class are the same ones used independently at home, or elsewhere.
4. This is a 14 lecture program of interactive computer voice and text, based on reading great literature. Class size can range in size. Our Reading Enrichment includes structured phonetics, bad habit correction, comprehension improvement, overcoming subvocalization, and vocabulary instruction. We test comprehension with many multiple choice quizzes, as we build vocabulary and develop an understanding of the world from learning about the 1200 key words for college success.
5. All our basic course material is on the Internet at our site, and available for free, anytime of day or night. This includes our progression of specially formatted great literature and our structured phonetic program.
6. We start with decoding, automaticity and fluency, and overcoming the 18 bad reading habits. Then we move on to increasing comprehension in four different ways. Students get comfortable reading a sentence at a time. This concludes the first part of the course.
7. In the second part of the course, we work on increasing speed and comprehension by overcoming subvocalization and lip reading, and by learning how to hear an inner voice as one reads silently. We also work on concept mapping and building vocabulary.
8. As we go through this course from start to finish, we progress from reading a phrase at a time, to reading a punctuation interval at a time, to reading a sentence at a time, and finally to reading a paragraph at a time, with instruction at each level.
9. In this process we move from reading out loud before hearing the computer voice, to reading silently with the computer voice (at normal reading and speaking speed), to reading silently ahead of the computer voice (at speeds 350-500 wpm and up).
10. At this point students are able to use our technology to read any article on the Internet with Computer Voice at good speed and with excellent comprehension, as they continue to develop transferrable skills.
Historic Opportunity
This is a history making opportunity, with the students in place and desirous of starting; and program administrators have given the green light.
Overview of Reading Program:
Special Introduction for Administrators, Principals and School Teachers
Subjects Taught In Each Major Class: Progression of Teaching
Location of Phonetics Course
Location of Specially Formatted Text for Free Curriculum
Learn About Pragmatic Realization Therapy, The Underlying Philosophy/Approach Behind Our Program.
How to Use This Reading Improvement Program Simultaneously To Provide Mental Health and Reduce School Shootings
History of Proportional Reading and of John F. Adams
Additional Grant Proposal Material On Technical Aspects of This Program
Join In and Help Make History.
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